How Do You Know if Someone Read Your Inmail on Linkedin

LinkedIn is the ideal platform for professional networking. Yous can connect with and message many other people who are in your professional sphere, making information technology easy to build your influence and notice the ideal customers. As the service has developed, new features have been added, making it more than in line with other social media channels. One 2017 add-on was that of read receipts. We have a look at what they are and how yous can utilize them.

How To Know if Someone Has Read Your Message on LinkedIn 2

What are LinkedIn Read Receipts?

When y'all ship a message on LinkedIn, you might exist wondering whether the recipient has had a chance to open it and encounter what you lot've written. When you lot're connecting with people, it's useful to know whether your message has striking the mark.

Read receipts are indicators that show whether or not the other person or people in a chat have opened your message. It'southward a small and fairly inconspicuous icon that sits at the bottom right of your message thread.

If y'all're on a desktop, y'all can hover your cursor over the icon and it will show you that the person has read it and the time at which they did so. In that location is an additional feature, known as a typing indicator, which shows when the correspondent is typing out a bulletin in response.

Both of these features are useful tools when you're trying to develop new connections. They allow y'all to estimate how the conversation is going, as well as whether or non should follow upwardly your initial message.

An example of a LinkedIn read receipt

How Does it Work?

By default, LinkedIn read receipts are turned on. However, in order for them to be agile in the conversation, both parties have to have them turned on. When that happens, yous will be able to see if and when someone has opened your bulletin.

You'll exist able to see a small-scale icon in the corner of your correspondence showing that the bulletin has been viewed. On the desktop site (but non mobile), you'll also get a timestamp. All the same, there isn't a appointment stamp. So, you lot'll exist able to run into that the other person has opened your message, but not necessarily on what solar day they did so.

If you're using a tool such every bit LinkedIn Sales Navigator to attain new people, information technology'due south useful to know at a glance whether or not your messages are getting opened. Information technology can help you tailor your arroyo to sales and connect with people.

You can too see which messages yous've opened at a glance. In your messages tab, you'll run across unread connections in bold with a blue number indicating how many unread messages there are.

Read and unread messages

Improving your messages: Our Top Tips

If you're trying to improve the way you communicate on LinkedIn, we've got some top tips on how to make your letters improve. Whether you're maxim thank you or initiating contact, you'll want to comport a few things in mind:

  • Keep it brief. Don't waffle on virtually how great your production/service/experience is. Make sure to be succinct, friendly, and relevant.
  • Don't sell. Professionals don't want to receive your impersonal sales pitch and are unlikely to reply to such attempts. Save your sales talk for once y'all've built a 18-carat relationship.
  • Stay professional. LinkedIn is a network where people get to do business organisation. Make certain your letters reverberate that fact, keeping professional with your linguistic communication and approach.

Past keeping these points in listen, you can increment the chances that recipients will appoint with yous in a meaningful way.

If you need some guidance on where to starting time, y'all can speak to a business organization coach, who tin can help complete and effective marketing strategy for your concern.

improving your linkedin messages

Turning Read Receipts On/Off

Of course, read receipts aren't for anybody. They tin can add additional pressure to reply, and might mean people avoid your messages birthday. Thankfully, you can hands plough off the feature, which is enabled as default. Hither's how to practise it:

On desktop

You'll want to start by navigating to the settings folio, which can exist accessed from the top-right corner of the page. From hither, navigate your mode to the 'Communications' tab forth the top.

You'll run across a variety of options available, such as notifications, who can reach yous, and messaging experience. It'south this latter setting we want to go to.

When yous scroll down to the 'Messaging experience' section, the offset setting is 'Read receipts and typing indicators.' There is a button you can click to turn the setting on or off equally you encounter fit.

How to turn off read receipts in LinkedIn


The process is like on your mobile app as it is on desktop. First, yous'll need to click on your profile icon, located on the top-left of the screen. From hither, click on 'Settings,' which will open the settings screen.

Along the top, you'll see four options. You'll want to select the 'Communications' tab and scroll to the bottom. Again, yous'll see the 'Read receipts and typing indicators' setting, which you have to tap on. Doing and then opens upwardly the setting to turn them on or off.

Final thoughts

Read receipts and typing indicators can be a valuable tool when you lot're managing your sales process. They give y'all the chance to see whether or not your messaging on LinkedIn is effective. You'll besides get a chance to see whether or not someone is at to the lowest degree attempting to answer.

If you lot're looking for a less axiomatic way of whether you lot've opened a message, you can turn off the feature with ease.


Beneath, we've answered some of the top questions related to LinkedIn read receipts:

Does LinkedIn show when you were terminal active?

By default, LinkedIn shows when yous're agile and reachable on LinkedIn. You can turn this feature off.  Yet, at that place'southward no feature showing when you were concluding active.

What is the dark-green dot on LinkedIn?

The dark-green dot shows when someone is currently active on the site. Information technology essentially ways they are online and actively logged into their account.

Can someone meet if I viewed their LinkedIn without logging in?

No, if you lot're not logged into the site and you view their public profile, nothing will register, not fifty-fifty that someone visited anonymously.

Can you tell how long someone has been on LinkedIn?

Yes, if you're a 1st-level connection with someone, you can come across when they starting time joined the site and when you outset connected.


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